7th Annual Little Achievements Beach Party – 7/27!

By | July 10, 2013

Our 7th Annual Beach Party is almost here!  See the Who, What, When, Where, Why below for details.

Who:  All of our families & staff!
What:  7th Annual Beach Party
When:  Saturday, July 27th @ 2pm  (Rain date 7/28 @ 2pm)
Where:  Mt. Arlington Knolls Beach (click here for direct link to Google Maps)
Why:  Because we’re all about making sure our families, students & staff have ample opportunity to connect & have fun!

We are up to a head count of approximately 75 people!!  Sign up sheets are at the front desk.  If you haven’t already signed up to bring something, or if you’re so inclined to double dip; we still need the following:

* drinks other than water (soda, juice boxes, etc),
* a salad of sorts (potato, macaroni, pasta & cole slaw already covered – so we need a mayo-less dish!)

Thanks so much everyone!  Feel free to stop by Cindy’s office with any questions!  Can’t want to see you there… FINGERS CROSSED for nice weather!!